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[E] Lazareth241
[E] Lazareth241
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Why would I complain about the prices? I expected those. I think it is cool they implemented them. Wheat is easy to grow. Now go chocolate yourself.
over 13 years ago
You're the one without a proper argument, I've made a reasoned statement based on your argument. Your insults are proof that you can't come up with a valid argument to say no to monster spawn boxes. Don't talk about a proper argument when you can't find a flaw in my logic.
over 13 years ago
considering how hard it is to save up 20k for the average person to actually buy a spawner, getting to change it to something other than pigs ISN'T hard. You guys can just sink the idea that a mbox changer will ruin the economy,, here is my flawless logic: once 1.9 comes out people will be breeding sheep left and right, wool will be everywhere, same deal, get over it, if monster spawner modifier is implemented, the WHITE wool price will drop currently, but it WILL HAPPEN ANYWAYS when 1.9 is officially released. Dye prices will remain the same as before because nobody wants JUST white wool. EDIT (they like color variants to go with it usually, some cases call for only white wool like certain designs) Stop this crap about it ruining the economy, because it won't change anything other than the Wool supply atm, which will be flooded soon anyways. I personally want to see an arena where people fight a herd of various monsters for a prize. I also want it so if I have a dungeon spawner that I wanted to keep intact and some noob goes through and breaks it, I can get it replaced by a mod or admin. Now try to ignore that argument like you did about my obvious statement about how dye prices will still remain the same.
over 13 years ago
Meh, just vote daily and buy gold ingots at CS..... free daily gold..... sorry to rain on the parade here, but if you vote daily and save up you can get a good bit.
over 13 years ago
daniel, and how would it ruin the economy? If moderators alone could modify spawners to replace say.... a griefed spider spawner that I had fenced off inside a dungeon? There could be specific rules, and custom spawners could be used for events (like gladiator or something) Aside from that you can purchase a spawner in CS for 20k credits that only spawns pigs. Personally I think a sheep spawner would be preferrable. Wool is extremely rare and already farmable since you can put a deathtrap on a spider spawner and collect string to make wool. Apart from that, even if wool was common dyes would still be rare and a pain to obtain. An increase in wool would help people create more elaborate buildings instead of <cobble> everywhere. I can get over 200 wool a day from my spider spawner if I camp it for hours, so don't say that so lightly. What else on earth could a monster spawner possibly do to the economy? Monster drop increase? Nope, easy to make a monster spawn farm with a lava blade for that. Daniel, why don't you go troll elsewhere instead of posting so lightly without a carefully reasoned argument.
over 13 years ago